Real World Challenges
What is LMI?
Labour Market Information (LMI) is exactly what it sounds like: it's information that can guide understanding and decision-making about how people find employment and develop their careers. LMI includes information on careers, occupations, and the labour market. It is everything students and job seekers need to learn about and consider as they begin exploring careers and making informed decisions about the future
It can be overwhelming and confusing. But it is an extraordinary tool that can inform the decisions of individuals, organizations or governments. Knowing how to use LMI, and how apply information to challenges can powerfully impact decision-making, and open doors of opportunity.

What are the Real World Labour Market Challenges?
Every day, communities across New Brunswick are challenged to solve problems that affect everyone. The Government of New Brusnwick's Departments of Education and Early Childhood, Post-Secondary Education and Training and the Canadian Career Development Foundation are offering an opportunity to be heard on how best to address Real World Labour Market Challenges.
For classrooms addressing the challenges, students across New Brunswick will use labour market information and use it to suggest decisions or solutions to the challenges that impact them most. Share your classroom's innovative solutions to any of the challenges below, using active and relevant labour market information. Your solutions may affect the next decision made at a school, municipal, or provincial level!
Challenge One: Attracting and Retaining New Brunswick's Youth
Challenge Topic Two: Obtaining a Diversified Workforce / Recruiting Underrepresented Groups
Challenge Topic Three: Immigration and Welcoming Communities
Get Your Classroom Invovled
Snatch the opportunity to take the Real World Labour Market Challenge by solving a challenge with your classroom that directly affects your community. Taking the Real World Labour Market Challenge will allow you as an educator the opportunity to:
- integrate Project-Based Learning in your classrooms
- use Career Connected Learning principles and apply labour market information in your classroom, no matter the subject area and
- connect your students with scenarios that affect their present and future
Over the academic year, educators have an opportunity to complete a Real World Labour Market Challenge and with their classroom finding multiple solutions to the the many labour market challenges facing New Brunswick. By the end of each semester, Educators will:
- Use any of the lesson plans to address the LMI challenges submitted by the Government of New Brunswick
- Identify a final product best exemplifies their class' solutions to challenges. This will be submitted to CCDF and the Government of New Brunswick to review.
- Deliver a survey for students to complete about their experience
Interested? Press the button below to get started!
Suggested Timeline
Confrontez-vous à l’Enjeu du marché du travail! Inscrivez votre groupe aujourd’hui en cliquant sur le bouton COMMENCER dans le coin supérieur droit de la page. L’équipe responsable du projet vous guidera tout au long de votre parcours.
Animez les ateliers
Tout le matériel des ateliers est disponible en ligne. Commencez par consulter la page Présentation des ateliers. L’animation des 4 ateliers peut se faire n’importe quand au cours du semestre. Prévoyez entre 8 et 10 cours pour voir tout le contenu et voir les présentations de tous les élèves. Ensemble, vous et vos élèves allez résoudre des problèmes et proposer des solutions à l’Enjeu du marché du travail.
Soumettez les solutions de vos élèves
Une fois que les ateliers sont terminés, vos élèves présenteront leurs solutions fondées sur l’IMT, des exemples et des stratégies. Envoyez les solutions de vos élèves à l’Enjeu du marché du travail par courriel à Marie-Anne Bédard-Wark. Si les élèves souhaitent voir leurs solutions sur la page Célébrer les solutions, faites-le savoir à Marie-Anne, qui vous expliquera la marche à suivre. Nous adorons mettre en lumière les solutions des élèves sur notre site Web!
Célébrez ensemble
Les solutions à l’Enjeu du marché du travail que vos élèves imagineront seront formidables! Les élèves répondront à un sondage afin de faire part de leur expérience au gouvernement du Nouveau‑Brunswick et à la Fondation canadienne pour le développement de carrière, qui veilleront à ce que l’Enjeu revienne année après année. Leurs commentaires serviront à peaufiner le prochain Enjeu et les suivants! Regardez en classe les solutions d’élèves publiées sur la page Célébrer les solutions!